Monday, 31 December 2018

Rare, not extinct.

I've known and met many men like him- men who make their way into your lives with their charm and sweetness; men who make you believe that they're your dream come true, your knight in shining armour, your prince charming!; men who make you feel like you've never felt before- who make you believe in all the good in the world, who make you believe in kindness, in love and in a happy ending for yourself.

Though one day, all of a sudden, these men, they take it all away! They take away all the happiness they brought you, and what do they leave you with? They leave you with self doubt; they leave you second guessing your choices, you decisions and your self. They make you question your ability to sustain a relationship. They make you doubt your beauty, your intentions, your charm, your womanhood, your heart- and everything within it.

Let me tell you about these men- they're the most common kind that exist today around you. Every man you meet, or talk to, or are friends with- has most likely been this kind of man to another woman if not you. They come into your lives, paint a rosy picture, make you believe in 'forever' and then disappear once they get what they want, and once they feel like they've 'conquered' the woman. These men don't deserve your smiles, leave alone your tears; they don't deserve your kindness or love, and they absolutely don't deserve you pining over them.

If there's one person in this world that deserves your smiles, the kindness in your heart, the incorrigible effort you put into everything, the love, the pampering- then it's YOU! As the new year sets in, I want each one of you women, to take the focus off toxic men- men that clearly don't deserve you- and instead focus on self development, your goals, your skills, your wishes, your fantasies, your opinions, and your choices. Do what makes your heart happy and don't fall for men who come into your lives with ulterior motives. Remember the golden rule- 'If it seems too good to be true, it is"

Most of all, remember that no one, and especially not these kind of men should make you feel less valued or less beautiful. You are the most beautiful and the most amazing creation of god- and you deserve all the happiness in the world. Don't let anyone trick you into settling for what you feel is beneath you. You deserve more than what anyone else tells you you do. Be comfortable in your own skin and don't let a man be the measure of how you should look like or dress like. Remember that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Promise yourself to not be bogged down by what others say or think of you- you're your best judge and you are the one who should decide for yourself.

Lastly, yet probably most importantly, don't lose hope. Good men are rare, but luckily not extinct.